See your site 24/7 from everywhere
Remote visual access to the site through exterior and interior site cameras.

Site cameras help ensure preconditions
Exterior and interior site cameras provide valuable information for process improvement.
If the data suggests you have a problem somewhere, with the help of the platform modules like site cameras, you can identify the problem in minutes. By selecting the site camera view that shows the production area in question, you can visually identify the following:
- Safety issues
- State of cleanliness
- Material availability
- Workers
- Critical tools

Save time on site visits
The external site cameras are useful in many ways and not only for large-scale projects. The site management and project stakeholders save time on the site visits due to the excellent remote visual connection.
Aiforsite’s cameras have been used for many different purposes: for the site layout drafting during preconstruction planning, as additional equipment for site surveillance and theft prevention, for logistics planning of material suppliers, and for control of safety material lifting on the site.
Start the day with a virtual camera tour
Interior cameras are handy at the site with large spans and open space areas, like office buildings or commercial premises. The cameras give the site managers a direct real-time view of the working areas and enable problem-solving remotely.
Automatic face blurring
Site Camera solution has automatic human face blurring. Before camera installations on the site, we help the site management to communicate the purpose and principles of the camera’s work to employees. We provide the site with caution posters describing the use of the camera equipment. Read more about data security.

I make a 10-minute virtual tour twice a day and know exactly what is going on on the site.
Site Manager of a nine-floor 10,000 sqm office building project